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Ferrari Purosangue SUV Will Be Revealed on Sept. 13

The first Ferrari SUV gets a V12 with a terrific soundtrack.

Regardless of whether you think it’s awesome or complete heresy, the Ferrari Purosangue SUV is coming. We’ll see the full thing Sept. 13, according to Ferrari and to whet our appetites, Ferrari released a clip with the V12 it’s getting

Ferrari confirmed in May that the Purosangue would get a V12 in its quest to prove that the new SUV is, in fact, a real Ferrari. Ferrari has even gone so far as to call the Purosangue a “Ferrari Utility Vehicle” instead of a sports utility vehicle to set it apart from, say, the Honda HR-Vs and Lexus RXes of the world. 

Official details are still scant, but we do at least have a debut date for the Purosangue: Sept. 13, thanks to both the sound clip as well as a clever bit of trolling Ferrari did this morning with a darkened photo of the Purosangue’s front headlamps. 

Brightening the image, of course, only gave us the reveal date for the Purosangue this time—as opposed to the SUV’s whole front end like an earlier teaser image did.

Ferrari Purosangue teaser showing Sept. 13 release date

We’ve seen a lot of the new Purosangue thanks to assorted spotters, including spy shots that show a relatively low-slung four-door crossover body style as well as a fastback-style rear window much like the Cayenne Coupe and a suitably long hood for a V12. 

Mules and test cars have showed off a slightly higher ride height than most Ferraris, but don’t expect the Purosangue to be an off-road superstar—it’s clearly meant to be a more family-friendly Ferrari for the road than a G-wagen competitor. Fortunately, we’ll get to see the rest soon.

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