Toyota is Advertising at You Based on Your Favorite Emojis

Toyota can tailor an ad to you based on your #CurrentMood.

Marketing the launch of the all-new 2018 Toyota Camry, Toyota has launched a new ad campaign called “Sensations.” It’s a series of ads that aims to make a connection with the viewer showing them how it feels to drive the new Camry. It’s all about shaking off the Camry’s reputation of being a dull appliance and marketing the new one as something exciting that still gives you that famous Camry reliability and practicality.

One of the ways Toyota is trying to connect with you is through emojis. Last year, Twitter introduced emoji targeting as a way for companies to advertise to users based on the emojis they use. For example, you might put the emoji with the nerd glasses in a tweet—and then see an ad with that emoji driving a Camry using the WiFi Connect feature, because Toyota is putting emoji heads on real people in some of these new ads. AdAge has a few you can watch here. Maybe it’s just because I’m not in the market for a Camry, but seeing that certainly didn’t make me want one.

There are 13 different core storylines in these targeted ads, but 83 different ads in total to show off different specific features in the Toyota Camry. Twitter robots look at your Twitter usage and guess which features you would be most interested in your next car.

Don’t worry, this campaign isn’t just emojis. It also consists of rather normal television ads that are trying to convey the Camry as an exciting sport sedan that people can’t wait to drive. It shows ordinary-looking people having an extraordinary time in their 2018 Camry. For an automatic-only car, there’s an awful lot of emphasis on shifting in these ads.

When you see a video pop up in your Twitter feed with emoji people driving cars, don’t be alarmed. It’s just a Toyota ad.