A Tale Of Two Perfectly Restored Porsches

A perfect 930 or a perfect Targa, which would you want in your garage?

Here comes another gorgeous video from the boys over at Der Faszination, and this one comes with a compelling and beautiful backstory. Romi Mirza spent his youth as a hooligan, frequently taking his parents’ Porsche out for unlicensed and properly illegal. The time he spent behind the wheel of that car, however, inspired a young Romi to grow into the respectable and respectful Porsche collector he is today. When it came time to pay back the favor for infecting him with the Porsche bug, Romi went above and beyond the call to make sure his father’s car was restored to picture perfect. 

Over the next 25 years or so, the beautiful aqua green-blue looking Porsche owned by the senior Mirza had become slightly dilapidated and was in need of some proper brightening. Romi, then, took the keys to the 930 one more time and gave the car a complete restoration. Every single nut and bolt of this car were taken apart, cleaned, and re-assembled, only replacing parts where absolutely necessary. The rust was repaired and the engine was given a full rebuild. Porsche doesn’t build cars that can withstand sitting around not being run, so the car had developed some flaws, but each of those were addressed in due time. We weren’t there, obviously, but we can only imagine that the smile he had while receiving the keys to the car must have made all of that work worth it. 

After seeing how great of a job the restoration was for his father’s car, Romi himself decided to have a restoration carried out on his all-original 1974 911 Targa. The car’s delightful exterior shade, in 1974, was dubbed “Chocolate Brown”, but today Romi simply refers to the car as “Doody Brown”, an affectionate nickname, we assure you. This was another car that wasn’t quite used up, but was in need of some work. As project creep sets in, a light restoration eventually turns into a full nut-and-bolt job. Check out the full results of both restorations in this beautifully produced video (If you haven’t seen any of their other videos, they’re all equally gorgeous to watch).