Social media users have collectively decided that there’s going to be a massive car meet tonight at 7-Eleven convenience stores nationwide. Why? Just for fun, it appears. It’s been primarily organized by enthusiasts on TikTok and certainly influenced by the convenience store’s Instagram account, as you can see below. This might sound like a disaster waiting to happen to your average convenience store executive, but as it turns out, 7-Eleven’s corporate office is reportedly going along with it.
An alleged memo sent to stores by the company’s leadership was nabbed by publication Tire Meets Road, and the suits seem to be enthusiastic about what’s going on. “Our team has been informed that 7-Eleven social followers are planning a car meetup at 7-Eleven stores nationwide this Friday, November 5 at 6 pm,” the memo reads. “It may be an exciting opportunity to drive customer traffic to stores and build excitement about the brand.”
As previously mentioned, the trend has built up a ton of steam on TikTok, however, the convenience store’s Instagram page may have been responsible for triggering the idea in the first place. For several months now, it’s been posting pictures of modified cars—typically tuner cars and stanced stuff—parked in front of its stores. This was something of a trend before 7-Eleven started recognizing it as it does now, heck, we’ve posted photos of cars parked in front of its locations before. It’s likely only gained in popularity since the page caught onto the trend, though. The big bosses at 7-Eleven seem to get this, saying “[The trend] has created an impactful connection to an enthusiastic, nationwide car community.”
The memo, as well as detailing enthusiasm for the trend, also indicated that it’s vitally important that everything goes down in a safe manner. It would be nice to have pictures of a bunch of young kids in modified cars in front of its stores, the text implies. It would not be so nice to have a video of these same vehicles crashing into one of its locations or causing trouble on the property. “As with any potential large gathering, employee and customer safety are a top priority,” the document states. “If you have any concerns or experience issues, we encourage you to contact law enforcement or call the Asset Protection Hotline.”
We reached out to 7-Eleven to confirm the text of the notice and get a better idea of the company’s take on the situation, and we’ll update this story when we hear back.
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