Drive Wire for October 19, 2016: The Audi R8 Could Die Due to Dieselgate-Related Cuts

Along with one of Audi's most widely-used vehicle platforms.

Hey there. Will Sabel Courtney here for Drive Wire on October 19th, 2016.

Today on Drive Wire: The Audi R8 could be marked for death, as a result of cost-cutting measures in the wake of the Dieselgate scandal.

Citing a report from German magazine Der Spiegel, Britain’s Autocar is claiming that the R8 may be killed off as Audi’s parent company, the Volkswagen Group, looks for ways to cut down on spending as it simultaneously pays off diesel emissions cheating-related settlements and pushes deeply into electric vehicles and futuristic mobility.

The loss of its iconic supercar isn’t the only big cut Audi may be facing. The carmaker is also reportedly losing out on a big tech center at its German headquarters.

The Volkswagen Group may even ditch the MLB platform architecture that underpins most of Audi’s lineup, forcing the luxury carmaker to use VW and Porsche platforms for future models.

That’s it for Drive Wire on October 19th, 2016. I’m Will Sabel Courtney; thanks for watching, and please check out The Drive for more on the big stories from the transportation world.