Watch a BMW Z4 Driver Cause a Pileup By Changing Lanes

A reminder to take caution when changing lanes.

Navigating traffic on a roadway with stop and go traffic is not easy. It requires a lot of checking mirrors, a little caution, and some sensibility. When you make the effort to do those things, you can execute almost any maneuver without causing a pileup—unlike this BMW driver Z4 driver in England. 

Dashcam video shared on DailyMail captures the motorist driving the BMW into the path of speeding traffic causing a multi-car wreck Tuesday morning. The accident occurred on the M60 near Manchester, DailyMail reports. 

The dash cam user who recorded incident, Patrick Mitchinson, had some choice words to describe his feelings toward the BMW driver, according to DailyMail. “This is the sort of carnage you can cause by driving like an absolute c**k!” 

Mitchinson was also able to lend insight into how the accident occurred. 

“The Z4 cut in front of me to get on to the slip road, then decided it was moving too slowly. First off tried to say he’d been knocked out by the impact! (Never seen a car brake on its own like that or put its own hazards on either), then tried to blame the driver of the yellow car!

One person was taken to a hospital for injuries. 

Check your mirrors, folks.