While millions of Americans spend their holiday time counting their stocking stuffers and getting acquainted with new and shiny toys, one Michigan man is mourning the loss of his pickup truck. From the Mining Journal, police in Forsyth Township report getting a call last Sunday evening about a pickup truck that had fallen through Big Shag Lake.
The driver was able to extract himself from the vehicle, even walking away with a couple of jerry cans in-hand. Luckily for you and me, one Facebook user managed to capture the entire shebang on video. (For those of you still stuck at work at this time of year, the following contains NSFW language.)
The truck was reportedly removed from the frozen lake by 11 p.m. the following night, well within the 72-hour deadline the (former) truck owner was given by the Department of Natural Resources to obtain his vehicle.
“With any ice always check to make sure it’s safe to walk on let alone drive on,” advised Forsyth Township police Sargeant Jesse Cadwell. The Michigan lawman adds that ice reports and recent weather reports should be checked to determine if surfaces are safe for travel “The quick changes can also mean unfortunate death or serious harm or injury to others.”
As for any of the truck’s fluids that may have remained in the lake, the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy is expected to reassess the plunge site and determine whether any additional cleanup is necessary.
It’s unclear why the truck, which had a snowplow attached, was driving at what appears to be a decent rate of speed on a questionably frozen lake. We suppose it doesn’t really matter anymore, however, as what’s done is done.
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