Hellcat Owner Banned From His Own Car for Reckless Driving

He recorded himself racing another Charger at 107 mph on city streets.

Belltown is a pretty busy area of Seattle, filled with high-rise buildings and snazzy condos. Noise is expected in such a city. So when you’re loud enough to make city residents fill a subreddit with hate for you, you’re probably making too much noise. However, being annoying in the middle of the night is one thing, we’ve all been obnoxious teenagers revving our engines a bit too loudly. But driving at over 100 mph through city streets while recording it for social media is another thing entirely and enough to get 20-year-old Miles Hudson banned from driving his own Dodge Charger Hellcat.

Hudson, who goes by srt.miles on Instagram, pleaded not guilty to two charges of reckless driving, following a February Instagram video that saw him hit 107 mph while racing another Charger, according to The Seattle Times. One of the conditions of Hudson’s release is that he’s banned from driving his Charger Hellcat Jailbreak Edition—locally known as the Belltown Hellcat—for a year. He can drive another car, just not the Hellcat. Sheley Anderson, Hudson’s attorney, claims that the ban is excessive and that it will prevent him from going to work. But the judge upheld the Hellcat ban.

Belltown residents have been filing complaints about Hudson with the city and posting the city’s responses to Reddit. Hudson’s Hellcat has an aftermarket exhaust with a burble tune and no cats. So it’s loud. And he has several videos on his Instagram of him excessively revving and racing it at two o’clock in the morning. In one video, he looks out at the car from his high-rise balcony at 2:41 A.M., remote-starts it, and it’s shockingly loud from even that high up. Several more videos show him doing donuts and hooning the Charger through Seattle.

Hudson currently has over 700,000 followers and some of his videos have almost one million likes. According to KING5 news, when stopped by the police, Hudson reportedly told them that he wasn’t going to stop driving recklessly, since doing so on social media is making him money. He said he’s going to “keep doing what I’m doing. I’m going to make a career out of this.”

The other requirements for his release are that he can’t have any criminal violations, drive without a license, or drive without proof of insurance. He faces up to a year in jail, a $5,000 fine, or a suspended license for 30 days if convicted.

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