1991 BMW E30 M3 Race Car Could Sell for More Than $200,000 at Auction

Think about how many beater E30s you could buy with that money.

As the years go on, the E30 BMW M3 continues to grow as a more and more popular item at auctions and among car collectors. When you come across a cherry E30 M3, your heart probably skips a beat and you question all your financial goals hoping you will convince yourself to buy one—at least, we do.

On rare occasions, a race-ready E30 M3 hits the auction block and people lose their minds. In this case, a 1991 E30 M3 from the British Touring Car Championship will be hitting the Silverstone Auctions Classic Race Car Sale. The auction is set to take place on July 27th and this particular M3 is expected to attract a lot of high bidders. 

Due to the condition and history of this E30 M3, auctioneers are expecting the car to go for somewhere in the range of $177,594 and $228,335. The 212-horsepower 2.3-liter four-cylinder race car was driven by British racing driver Tim Harvey and he actually used this car to win one race and hit the podium twice during the British Touring Car Championship.