This massive 10,491-square-foot Houston home listed for sale seems to have it all. Outdoor pool! Indoor pool! A 2,330-square foot guest house! Nine bedrooms and 11 bathrooms in total! A six-car garage, including one bay that’s big enough to install a lift! But there’s one feature that’s rare for even the most car-obsessed people you know to have at home: a private concrete go-kart track.
Sadly, 1802 Castlerock Drive’s Trulia listing doesn’t show nearly enough close-up photos of the track layout, but we can at least see a quick-looking downhill run next to the pool area and a nicely banked turn. It almost looks like it has more elevation change than the beloved local but admittedly pretty flat MSR-Houston road course!

A quick look on Google Maps shows the concrete kart track snaking through the trees on the home’s gorgeous 1.14-acre lot. It’s really beautiful, but I’m also glad there are short barriers installed next to the track to discouraging you from hitting any of those trees at speed.
The entire kart track is tucked behind the home’s driveway, and hidden from the neighbors by a tall privacy fence.

The house that comes with it comes with plenty of space to work on a go-kart, too. While the beige polished tile and custom metal main-floor interiors look so out of place inside this home’s stately colonial exterior that I want to send a distress call to McMansion Hell, all that shiny flooring does look relatively easy to clean if you rebuild an engine in the living room. Maybe they were just being practical when they did the interior to be extremely on-trend for 2006?
I don’t think anyone has room to complain about an indoor kart rebuild here, either, when there’s 12,821 square feet of interior space for everyone to spread out. As we all know, sometimes six garage bays isn’t quite enough. Sometimes your project cars leak into the living room, and the side yard…and the kitchen, and…
You can buy your very own karting oasis here on Trulia for just $879,000.

h/t: Apartment Therapy!