How to Crash Your LaFerrari in Hungary

Money doesn’t buy infamy, but being a terrible driver can.

Let’s start off with the patently obvious: Just because you can afford a $1.4-million hypercar doesn’t mean you should operate one. Apparently, this LaFerrari owner did not get the memo. Cruising through the streets of Budapest, the owner points his 950-horsepower V12 hybrid toward an opening in the econobox sea.

The aggressive maneuver backfires, and the driver spins into several parked cars. In his defense, at least he wasn’t taking selfies like that fellow in the flaming Lamborghini Aventador.

According to local authorities, no injuries were reported, but the LaFerrari sustained major damage to the front right wheel well. May we suggest something a little more manageable, with eight fewer cylinders, and more cargo space.

Tale of the tape below.