Amazon’s Budget-Beating Back-to-School Electric Bike and Scooter Deals Are Killer

Make life a little easier for everyone by injecting some fun into the back-to-school season.
electric bikes and scooters hero
Robert Bacon


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The back-to-school season is upon us, and let’s face it, it’s always a bit of a drag for everyone involved. My best-ever experience with going back to school was the first year I was allowed to cycle by myself, closely followed by the time I got a new bike right before the school term started. Little did I know that this was a spectacularly clever ploy by my parents to keep some equilibrium in the house. I did not like school. 

Snag an electric bike or scooter deal from the list below and make the transition to the new school year easier for the household. 

Electric Scooters

Electric Bikes

The Drive's Best Deals of the Week

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