Watch These Police Officers Surprise Drivers With $100 Bills Instead of Tickets

This is the kind of positive energy we need heading into 2020.

Fifty mildly irresponsible motorists in California were made marginally richer this past Monday when they were pulled over by police only to be handed a card with a $100 bill in it rather than a traffic ticket. 

According to ABC News, it’s all part of the Madera County Sheriff’s Department’s fifth annual “Operation Random Acts of Kindness” that, as its name suggests, looks to spread some random holiday joy and improve the police department’s relationship with the people it protects and serves. And before all of the Negative Nancies go storming the comments on your high horses screaming of misused tax dollars, the $5,000 purse handed out was actually donated by Agriland Farming Company, a farm management, acquisition, and development firm located in Chowchilla, California. 

Unsurprisingly, drivers responded with shock, gratitude, and in some cases, tears. “[It was] not expected, I can tell you that much, so I’m very appreciative,” one motorist said. “And it’s a good time of the year to get surprises like that, so it’s pretty awesome.”

It’s important to note that the motorists stopped in this campaign were flagged for minor traffic violations. Meaning, no, your cousin who was caught doing 105 mph in a 40 in his clapped-out Civic last weekend did not receive any C-notes from the fuzz.

“This is an opportunity for the deputies to go out and have positive interactions with the community,” said Madera County Undersheriff Tyson Pogue. “And it really helps us build relationships with the community.”

“Deputies primarily have contact with citizens when something stressful or bad is happening,” said Sheriff Jay Varney on Facebook. “This annual giving event allows deputies an opportunity to interact with the public in a positive manner and spread some holiday cheer.”

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