Man Killed by Takata Airbag Inflator in Parked Honda Accord

He was reportedly working inside his car when the airbag inflator burst.

A man in Florida was killed by a Takata airbag inflator while working on his parked 2001 Honda Accord, according to AP

The victim was reportedly performing repair work with a hammer inside the vehicle. It is unclear what specifically set the airbag off. The incident occurred in June 2016 but Honda claims it was only recently informed of the event, according to AP. According to the automaker, the car’s key was on, enabling the airbag to explode upon impact if one were to occur.

Honda claims that police photos show metal fragments shot out of the airbag, leading to the 12th U.S. death caused by the faulty equipment and 17th worldwide. The manufacturer refused to release the Hialeah, Florida victim’s name.

Takata has been under heavy fire for its faulty airbag inflators. Past evidence has proven that they could potentially shoot out harmful and often fatal debris at high speeds. 

Criminal actions have been taken against the manufacturer and more than half of the 69 million affected vehicles remain unfixed in the United States—more than 100 million have been recalled globally. The company agreed to pay a $1 billion settlement in February. 

Takata filed for bankruptcy protection in June in order to continue supplying replacements and repairs for the recalled equipment. The company has since withdrawn from the airbag inflator business and is in the middle of a buy-out by rival Key Safety Systems, a Detroit company which is Chinese owned.