Watch This Ford Fiesta WRC Car Fly 160 Feet at Rally Finland

If your friend says rally isn't cool anymore, show them this.

It’s easy to downplay how great modern day WRC cars are. “Nothing can compare to Group B” is a phrase that often gets tossed around at the office, but when you look at the racers in competition this season, you’ll soon realize that these aero-crazed, gravel-slinging machine guns are still the bee’s knees. Ludicrous ice drifts and desert sand rooster tails often show that off just fine, but when someone needs a bit of extra thwarting, make sure to show them this radical Ford Fiesta jumping 164 feet at Rally Finland.

Driver Mads Østberg put his name to action as this was definitely the maddest moment of the race. Taking off from the fabled “Yellow House Jump,” he was able to record the furthest flight by landing 50 meters from the launch pad. That’s a lot, especially considering how he couldn’t see what was over the hill, relying totally on what his co-driver instructed.

Somehow, this wasn’t even the longest jump ever performed off this sector of the course. A flight of 58 meters was once made off the famous leap, and former Volkswagen WRC driver Sebastien Ogier came close to matching that in 2012 with a jump of 57 meters. We may never get to see the record broken, however, with future cars as the downforce is just too high—but that’s okay. If we get to see faster and faster times than ever before, I think the rally community can handle it.

While this may have been one of the best, it certainly isn’t the only crazy moment of WRC this year. In fact, Rally Poland was so dangerous that it might not be coming back next year, if you needed any proof of how involved the series is with its fans.

So next time you hear someone cracking jokes and putting today’s rally scene down, bite your tongue and whip out this clip.