What Are You Getting Your Gearhead Mom for Mother’s Day?

Chocolate tools, real tools, scanners, toy cars... let's hear your ideas.
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Mother’s Day is coming up, so please plan to at least give your sweet mom a call. Extra points if you already got a card for her. Triple points if you’ve already arranged for a gift. You’ve got two weeks, so let’s make it count. For those of you with a mom (or are married to a mom) who is a wrencher or enthusiast, there are some good gift ideas out there.

I also want to collect some ideas from you, so let’s hear it: what are you getting the gearhead mom in your life for Mother’s Day?

If you’re going complain about Hallmark holidays and lament the commercialism, this is a good time for you to step away from your device. I’m a mom and I have an awesome mother, so I’m all in for celebrating.

What I’d really like to get my mom is a Jaguar F-Type in British Racing Green because she loves them. I don’t happen to have an extra $90,000 or so in my bank account, however. (Sorry, Mom; she still loves me.)

One of our sibling sites BobVila.com published a list of gifts for mechanics, and at the top of the list is a chocolate wrench. Chocolate plus automotive tools is a win for any mom who likes both. Don’t get that for me, though, because I don’t like chocolate unless it’s in a cookie. Yes, I know that’s weird.

For moms with an entire shop of her own, take a look and see if there is anything she needs to have replaced or would make her work easier, like a new mechanic’s creeper, some new gloves, or updated tools. Even if your mom isn’t a wrencher but likes to know what’s happening with her car, a new OBD2 scanner is a great gift because she can help diagnose a problem before she takes it to the mechanic.

Let’s hear your ideas: what are you getting your mom?

Got an idea or a tip? Comment here or send a note to kristin.shaw@thedrive.com.