It was only ever a matter of time before the phrase “world’s largest collection of Ford Crown Victorias” wound up on this very website. Ford‘s former full-size family sedan was just too ubiquitous in its day to not mean a lot to someone. That someone is now downsizing, and selling off some of their collection, giving the rest of us a chance to own what are probably some of the best Panther bodies out there today.
The collection (whose owner was only identified as Mike) was recently highlighted in a YouTube video from specialty dealership Limited Edition Motorcars. Located in Corning, NY, the collection isn’t what you’d call a public attraction, but since much of it is parked outside at two different locations, it’s also not exactly under lock and key. While the Panther platform was also used under other Ford-made models like the Mercury Marauder and Lincoln Town Car, this collection is made up of just Crown Vics—though they span as broad a range as one model can.

As outlined in the video, the collection is mainly comprised of cars from states without rust issues: California, Arizona, Texas, Florida, the Carolinas, et cetera. Naturally, many are police surplus P71 interceptors, though there’s at least one P7B—a mildly tweaked P71 made for the final couple of model years. Some highlights include an example with 22,000 miles, an ex-FBI non-interceptor, and some rare colors, including an apparent factory two-tone. There’s even a pair of cars with sequential VINs; a pairing you’d struggle to find even if you tried. But sometimes, these things just fall into your lap.
Of course, with a collection this size, the time eventually comes to sell some of them again. That time is now, with 10 of the Fords coming up for sale through Limited Edition Motorcars. The best of them is a steel blue 2004 LX with just 36,403 miles—it’s $12,300, but you could get much less bang for your buck in today’s market. Just imagine paying that for a Ford EcoSport.
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