Lost Bullet Is Netflix’s Latest Car Action Movie, But Is It Worth Your Time?

It's got French cars, high-speed runs, police chases, and lots of violence.


While scrolling through Netflix recently I came across Lost Bullet, a seemingly European film with a red sports sedan sporting a Fury Road look-alike front bumper on the cover. Upon closer look, it turned out to be a French movie about a “genius mechanic” facing murder charges who needed to track down a specific car in order to prove his innocence. Of course, curiosity intensified, and I clicked on it. After all, who doesn’t love a good car movie?

I have to admit: I’m rather pleased. Lost Bullet is admittedly French, somewhat similar to the iconic Ronin, but with a cool Mad Max vibe to it. Alban Lenior plays Lino, a car mechanic who ends up in prison after crashing a Lamborghini-powered Renault Clio. Say what? He is then recruited by a special police task force to build Mad Max-style police interceptors. You know, the kind with bigger engines, better suspensions, and ramming devices to take out drug-traffickers terrorizing French highways.

This is an action movie full of protein and zero fat, the kind that you no longer see in American theaters. It’s direct, to the point, and it doesn’t apologize for its bruteness. And let’s not forget, lots of delicious French sedans and hatchbacks. In a nutshell, a typical Euro action movie.

What I love about this film is that it’s practical, it’s real. The car stunts are legit, and while the fighting scenes are not as fast-paced as, let’s say, Jon Wick, they are thrilling and remind you of how out of shape you are. Seriously, one scene features two men fighting with shotguns as swords, while in another scene the lead actor literally takes out an entire police station by himself.

Enough about the plot—what about the cars? The hero car of the film is a 1990 Renault 21 Turbo sedan, which makes Lino risk everything to find it. I won’t go too much into detail, because you should watch the movie, but let’s just say that Lino really needs to find this car to clear his name of wrongdoing.

The movie is not perfect, of course. The police chase scenes do look rather slow when you compare them to other, err, bigger budget films, and the tiny-town action scenes can be a bit comical. Nevertheless, I found myself rewinding to make sure things were real and not CGI, and I was truly impressed.

It’s not perfect, but then again, what movie is? If you find yourself practicing social-distancing with a couple of hours to kill, I recommend investing those in Lost Bullet. You won’t regret it.

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