Watch This Bird Take out a Motorcycle Rider Going 115 MPH

This is not the kind of wildlife encounter anyone would hope for.

As seen from the perspective of an onboard bike cam, two motorcyclists had a dangerous run-in with some flying hazards at the Phillip Island track in Australia. This is the last kind of wildlife encounter you’d want as a rider. 

The Phillip Island Grand Prix Circuit is recognized as being one heck of a track, but it’s also known for having a large number of birds that hang around. To be fair to the birds, the circuit is coastal and has a pond in the middle of it, so if they don’t want waterfowl around, they are sending some seriously mixed messages. However, these two riders probably didn’t think there was much of a possibility of taking a blow from what appears to be two giant geese heading straight towards them. 

The first rider gets smacked by the bird, which sends him into major speed wobbles when his balance is thrown off. While the rider behind him was lucky enough to not get hit by bird number two, his luck ran out when he failed to dodge the rider up front who was exiting the pavement. 

Per the video, they are going about 114 miles per hour when the bird flew in, and rider two only managed to slow down by 10 mph when his wheel tapped the front bike and sent him into a spill. While the first rider might have fallen after he left the view of the camera, he was surprisingly still on two wheels when we got the last glance of his bike.

Even though there’s no word about injuries after the accident, we’ll just assume everything ended okay for both riders since the handlebar footage made its way onto the internet.