Watch This Skiing T-Rex Chase a Jeep Wrangler Down a Michigan Street

Must. Go. Faster.

Tyrannosaurus Rex and Jeep Wranglers famously don’t get along—just ask Jeff Goldblum. That’s why this video showing a T-Rex skiing down a Michigan street behind a Wrangler blasting the Jurassic Park theme song is so noteworthy. See, the Winter Olympics really do bring everyone together.

All right, so it’s not a real dinosaur. But when Michigan man Taylor Bowman and a few friends decided to pull the stunt out of sheer boredom this weekend, he figured people wouldn’t mind. With his friend John Boruta in the costume, he drove his Jeep around his neighborhood with the T-Rex in tow and John Williams’ epic score echoing across the snowy street.

“We were just talking about going to a parking and pulling a sled behind the jeep and [Boruta] said he wanted to try skis,” Bowman told the Detroit Free Press. “I knew he had the costume and thought it’d be funny to do a Michigan Jurassic Park video. We thought the neighbors would get a kick out of it and it looks like they did!”

Turns out, it’s not just the neighbors who enjoyed it. For such a simple stunt, a video taken by a nearby resident showing the Jeep slowly roll down the street with the skiing dino close behind has racked up 1.2 million views on Facebook.

Even though dinosaurs, Jeff Goldblum, and the Jeep Wrangler are all in the news right now thanks to a Super Bowl ad featuring all three, Bowman said they were trying to imitate the scene where a T-Rex chases the three main characters in the original 1993 movie.