Learning how to do a proper burnout is a skill earned over time. However, numerous car manufacturers have been installing a feature called “line lock,” where the car sets itself up to do a burnout with little driver intervention. In the video below, we see YouTube user GuitarmageddonZL1 teach his girlfriend, Lauren, how to do a burnout in a 2017 Camaro ZL1. Lauren appears to be excited about the whole adventure from the get-go…and who could blame her?
However, with all the new technology and the engineering degree you need to engage line lock, it seems as if the fun of a burnout is slowly starting to fade. Before people jump down my throat, please don’t misinterpret what I said as me implying burnouts aren’t fun. The act of smoking tires brings a smile to anyone’s face, but in this writer’s mind, there was more of an allure when you did it all yourself.
Regardless of my feelings, Lauren smokes the tires real good and leaves a solid pile of rubber in her wake.
Would you let you significant other do a burnout in your car? Let us know in the comments below.