In a bizarre incident at the Port of Savona in Italy, a batch of Maseratis (hidden in the picture above) caught on fire due to exploding batteries from flood damage. Two car lots with hundred of cars waiting for export were involved in the incident, according to Savona News. A video has also surfaced showing the bonfire of the luxury exotics as the fires spread.

It’s been reported that salt water from the rising sea levels caused the combustion of the cars’ electrical systems. Other vehicles were also parked there and suffered damage, but brand new Maseratis made up the majority of those waiting for export to the Middle East.
There were no human casualties or injuries, but the massive fire took 14 teams of firefighters to contain as it blazed on for hours. The aftermath looks like a post-apocalyptic nightmare, with shells of cars burned beyond recognition sprawled out over the lots. It also appears that the flood waters caused other vehicles to lift off the ground and end up piled on top of each other in a video posted by a local news channel.
This is apparently the second major fire at the same port in a week’s time, the first completely destroying the Port Authority building on the Oct. 23.
The Port of Savona remains closed, two days later, because occasional explosions are still happening from the damaged batteries. Needless to say, the cars aren’t going to be catching their ride to the Mideast.