Robert Bacon

Robert Bacon

Commerce Reporter

Robert is a Commerce Reporter at The Drive and Car Bibles who began working with the team in January 2021. Since then, he has transitioned from a part-time contributor to a full-time employee. He primarily creates informational motorcycle and car content, automotive buying guides, and how-to pieces. Originally from Ireland, Robert traveled across Asia and Europe working with automotive dealerships and rental companies but now spends most of his time in Mexico.


  • Expertise includes copywriting, the automotive industry, investigative and interview journalism.
  • Robert has a BA in Journalism & Visual Media. Although personally unable to fix most mechanical problems that come his way, he’s on a mission to become an average amateur mechanic. 
  • Bylines in: The Drive, Car Bibles, Bike Buyers Guide, Ride Now, Electric Vehicle Database, Harley-Davidson Forum, Mustang Forum, Dub8 Magazine, The Griffith Book of Investigative Journalism, and more.


Robert has worked as a freelance automotive copywriter for over five years, lending his automotive expertise to small and medium businesses. He’s worked with dealerships and rental agencies in Europe, America, and Asia, where he wrote news and feature articles. He also created one of the most comprehensive electric vehicle databases while writing for Electric Vehicle Database NZ.


Griffith College Dublin, BA in Journalism & Visual Media, Dublin Institute of Technology, Diploma in Marketing, Kaplan International, CELTA.

Fun Fact

Yes, his last name really is ‘Bacon’. He grew up on two wheels, honing his skills on a mixture of motocross bikes and mini motos before getting his motorcycle license at the age of 16. Robert’s first (unofficial) car driving lesson came courtesy of his father at the age of 11, from there he took to go-karting. But, ironically, he wouldn’t get a driver’s license until the tender age of 28.