Watch This Impatient Subaru Driver Nearly Cause a Mountainside Wreck While Passing

You have to be smart when passing on a two-lane road. Apparently someone forgot to tell that to this motorist.

While behind the wheel of a car, being attentive and having some patience are two things that can help keep you and the motorists in the vehicles around you out of trouble. In reference to a video that was uploaded to Facebook Tuesday, that means waiting until you’re not on a blind mountain road to pass a truck as it creeps up the hill. Apparently, this Subaru driver didn’t get that memo.

The clip, which was uploaded by Facebook user Cathi Duck, shows a truck barely managing to climb a narrow road with an aggressive uphill grade in Australia. As the truck inches up the road, you can see a Subaru WRX-looking (it could be a 2.5RS, but we’d bet our silver dollars it isn’t) car dash for a pass, but nearly cause a head-on collision while doing so.

It’s dumb driving. 

“HOLY F**K…..WHAT A F**KING IDIOT I CAME ACROSS COMING UP THE MOUNTAIN EARLIER TONIGHT……THANK GOD FOR DASH CAM,” wrote Duck on the Facebook post. “I am starting to realize what could have happened there if he hit me coming back I would have gotten pushed into the rock wall.”

To you, the Subaru driver, we get that you don’t want to wait behind a truck as it creeps up a hill, but if you can’t see what’s in the other lane, or if you’re not sure you have enough of a gap to make that pass, please, for all parties involved, just don’t do it.