This past Friday in Miami, Ford kicked off its Driving Skills for Life program, designed to help teenage drivers better handle their vehicles.
It’s part of an effort to reduce the high number of teen driving fatalities each year. Ford will be taking the free program to 15 stops throughout the country. The program will cover speed management, vehicle control, evasive maneuvers to avoid pedestrians, following distance and a ton of other goodies designed to make little Jimmy a better driver.
Nearly 3,000 Teenagers Die a Year From Auto Accidents
According to reports done by the Governors Highway Safety Association, teen drivers are 1.6 times more likely to be involved in a fatal accident than adults. In addition, nearly 3,000 teenagers die in a car accident each year.
Rather than turning a blind eye to the use of drugs and alcohol in the teenage community, Ford is showing participants the dangers of impaired driving as well as distracted driving. Both of these are major contributors to fatal accidents involving teen drivers.
Ford states that since the program’s creation in 2003, the company have trained over 1 million drivers and covered 35 countries. The current tour will include Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Maine, Michigan, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Texas, Vermont, Washington, and Wisconsin.