Give the Gift of a Fair Warning With These Cyber Monday Radar Detector Deals

The last thing anyone wants is a speeding ticket this time of year.
Early Cyber Monday Deals on Radar Detectors


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I know. I know. The throttle is a little sticky, and it always seems to jam up when an officer is nearby. Just your luck. Right? 

I’m not here to give you mechanical advice, but you should really get that gas pedal checked out. In the meantime, you might as well browse these early Cyber Monday deals on radar detectors. Who knows, a warning might be all that gas pedal needs to free-up just before you run into trouble. 

The Drive's Best Deals of the Week

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Hank O'Hop

Associate Editor, Commerce

Hank is an Associate Editor at The Drive. As a die-hard gear head, he spends the majority of his free time dissecting and playing with all things mechanical.