Meet Diana Chang. She’s young and cute and nice, if a bit timid. She works for Conan, which is pretty awesome. She’s also a new driver. Neat, you’re thinking, Conan O’Brien is going to teach her to drive! Oh, sweet mercy, no. Steel yourself, kids: This is something else entirely.
Of course, there are celebrity guest instructors, Kevin Hart and Ice Cube. And, as you’d expect, things spiral out of control pretty quickly. They try to buy drugs at a stoplight. They make Diana scream obscenities at other motorists and throw things as passing cars. There’s piñata shopping and a trip to a marijuana dispensary. And that’s not even the punchline.
I thought my high school instructor, Lee “Grapplin’” Grubbs, a senile member of the Wrestling Hall of Fame (think: Blue from Old School, except with Tourette’s and a nasty streak), was the greatest driver’s education teacher ever. I stand corrected.