The Netherland’s Elite Police Porsche Goes Up For Sale

During the 1990s, Dutch law enforcement was air-cooled.

Key the term “Rijkspolite” into Google Images, and it’ll return pages upon pages of awesome and unusual police vehicles. Vintage Range Rovers, Volvo and BMW E30 wagons, a Mercedes 190E sedan, Citroën H vans. But the Rijkspolite, the Netherland’s state police between 1945 and 1996, are best known for their affinity for Porsches. Officers in the traffic enforcement and accident response division (Algemene Verkeers Dienst, or AVD) were specially trained in high-performance driving; the 356 cabrio, 914/4 and 914/6, 924 coupe, and a fleet of air-cooled 911s all had turns as patrol cars. Now, one of the Rijkspolite’s decommissioned Porsches is up for sale.


The car, a 1989 3.2-liter Carrera internally dubbed “ALEX 12.24,” served for three years. It’s properly kitted out, with requisite comms, emergency lighting, sirens, and extra mirrors. Custom wooden drawers for police equipment (breathalyzer, handcuffs, tape measure, Ricoh camera, standard tools, fire extinguisher, tow cable, First Aid kit, and more) replaces the back seat, per AVD spec. Interestingly, the 911 is a Targa; the Rijkspolite preferred open-roof cars for crew visibility, allowing officers to stand on the seat and direct traffic in emergency situations.


This is a numbers-matching vehicle—something of a rarity, since many Rijkspolite cars received engine swaps—with some 105,200 kilometes (read: 65,400 miles) on the clock. It’s recently been restored and includes all the original paperwork from Porsche. Bonhams expects ALEX 12.24 to pull between $100,000 to $170,000 when it goes to auction October 7th.