Maybe you love the idea of camping in a car like a nomad on the road, but prefer the convenience of access to a working bathroom or a home-cooked meal. Perhaps bedding down in a classic VW Beetle wasn’t at the top of the list of vehicles you’d choose, but this Airbnb listing might just change your mind.
Ten minutes from Valladolid in the eastern region of the Mexican state of Yucatán, a small business called Eco Camping has set up an unusual vacation spot. There are the typical amenities one might expect from a bed-and-breakfast facility, like internet access, a pool, and chef service, though guests sleep atop custom mattresses fitted to the interior of vintage Beetles (or vochos, as they’re called colloquially in Mexico). Most of the decorations are VW-focused and the private bathroom looks pretty cool, actually.
The campsite is about two hours inland from Cancun and a world away. Eco Camping is set up for tourists, but with a green focus, harnessing solar power and encouraging recycling across the board. Rental bikes are available as well as a gym, and a firepit for roasting marshmallows. Please refrain from shouting “punch Buggy!” in the middle of night while you’re there.
Guests can sleep in the Beetles, which are a bit snug and might be best for smaller folk. Unless you like to sleep very, very close to your partner or if you’re a member of a clown car troupe.
“[The Beetle] does fit two people, if we hug each other,” says Rubi Rodriguez from YouTube channel Sin Postal after testing it out.
Bigger digs are found elsewhere on the property, including a VW bus and even an airplane. For more space, there’s even a VIP suite area that includes hammocks, a table, and even an upside-down Beetle frame with a cozy spot inside to lie down and take a nap.
Fans of the classic VW Bug won’t want to miss this vacation spot, and for $70-$100 per night, it’s a pretty good deal.
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