The Grand Tour‘s most recent episode was titled “Seaman” and aired on Dec. 13, 2019, oddly enough, containing no cars whatsoever. The fourth season’s second film known as the Madagascar Special has been ready for a while, but its release was pushed back when the team couldn’t fly to Russia due to freshly issued pandemic regulations at the time. Then, Amazon Prime decided to postpone it even further to Dec. 18, 2020, just to make sure it wouldn’t clash with the BBC’s latest season of Top Gear. That’s roughly over a year between two episodes, but that’s 2020 for ya. However, I now have good news.
In the days leading up to Christmas, our favorite trio of Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, and James May will once again entertain us in high-definition, apparently by modifying cars for off-road duty during a treasure hunt around the beautiful island of Madagascar. What’s more, the three cars they will undoubtedly destroy to a certain extent are a Ford Focus RS, a Caterham, and a previous-generation Bentley Continental GTC.
As you’d expect, Hammond is the one in the tallest car, a Focus RS in matte black running on tracks to make the most of its four-wheel-drive system. At the age of 60, Jeremy Clarkson opted for the class and comfort of a lime-green Bentley prepared for the apocalypse, while the 57-year-old half-pub owner nicknamed Captain Slow, James May, went for a fully open Caterham Seven, once again.
Based on the trailer for the upcoming episode, it’s perhaps Clarkson who’s been the wisest this time around, while Mr. May won’t get saved by his quartet of KC lights. As for the Focus RS, well, it’s no 2009 Subaru Impreza TRAX STI, but it should still do just fine with a dedicated Hamster onboard.
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