A video published to Lexus’ official Youtube channel on March 28, shows off Genetic Select, an apparent partnership with the DNA testing company 23 and Me.

The video demonstrates how Lexus will apply genetic sequencing technology to building cars. A program participant must give a saliva sample, and leave it with their dealer. Within 48 hours, a Lexus that has been genetically pre-determined to suit their needs will show up in their driveway.
This program will offer bespoke options such as a “left-handed steering wheel rotated 360 degrees,” a “genetically personalized new-car smell,” and over-sized cup holders, for those pre-disposed to caffeine dependence. Genetic Select also does away with need for expensive key fobs. To start the car, the driver must simply lick a metal plate attached to the steering wheel.
At the end, Lexus lets the viewer know that the whole thing is a joke. Genetic Select isn’t real, but the most unbelievable part of it is the ability to deliver a custom-built car in 48 hours. The ad agency that Lexus put in charge of producing this video has given a frightening view of the future. Anyone who uses the internet is constantly having their data collected—by the government, marketers, insurance agencies, and even car companies. That fact has become all too apparent with the recent Facebook scandals. Really, the only thing that they can’t get a hold of is DNA, the data inside us all.
It might seem like a harmless little joke right now, but don’t be shocked when Porsche is using a similar program to upsell $1,300 trim pieces.