These Police Chases Put O.J. Simpson’s to Shame

We’ll take a flaming lumber truck or a tank over a sluggish Bronco any day of the week.

Tonight, American Crime Story: The People Vs. O.J. Simpson debuts on FX. We know a few things about it. It’s John Travolta’s return to TV after three decades, Ross from Friends is playing Kim Kardashian’s father, and there will be a fair amount of time spent on the infamous Bronco chase, particularly if the show’s trailer entitled “The Bronco” is any indicator.

That ad’s chyron—“you saw the Bronco”—is probably right: More than 95 million people tuned in to watch the 1993 white Ford amble down the highway. Though it wasn’t a chase. “It was so slow that it was really [more] a failure to yield than it was a pursuit,” quipped one sheriff involved in the affair. Amen. That got us thinking about proper police chases. Here, we run down five incredible real life examples. Get ready to hear some baritone narration from uber-tanned Sheriff John Bunnell.

The Backwards Limo