Watch This New Gorgeous 4K Aerial Footage of the Apple Park Campus

Matthew Roberts' 4K aerial footage of the new Apple Park Campus is a gorgeous update on the progress being made there.

Apple’s new campus, the Apple Park, is an architectural feat to behold. We first took a look at this beauty from a bird’s-eye view thanks to cinematographer Duncan Sinfield, and now it seems we have another gorgeous batch of aerial footage to marvel at. Matthew Roberts and his 4K drone footage of the campus really gives us some insight as to how the building is progressing. 

There’s an obvious advantage in capturing a structure’s real aesthetic beauty with drones, that can’t be matched with cranes or ground-level footage. Duncan Sinfield’s video really proved that, with smooth overhead tracking shots, and aerial approaches that give you a visceral sense of joy and excitement. Fortunately, we now have more of that – thanks to Matthew Roberts.

According to 9to5Mac, the aptly nicknamed “spaceship” section of the campus itself, holds the No.4 spot on a list of most expensive buildings in the world. At around $427 million, of course, it’s a mere drop in the bucket for the overall cost of $5 billion for the entirety of the property. Reportedly, the Steve Jobs Theater, where the new iPhone 8 and iPhone X were announced last month, cost $180 million to construct. Irrigation and landscaping themselves cost an astonishing need for $85 million, if you can wrap your head around that. 

Apple employees are already filing into the new campus as their regular place of work, with a completed move set for April of 2018, 9to5Mac reports. While main construction was concluded quite a while ago, there are some aspects still unfinished, such as sports courts and pathways on the campus grounds. 

However, what we’re really interested in here is aerial footage of the place, beautifully recorded by Matthew Roberts, in pristine 4K resolution. 
