Duncan Sinfield’s Drone Footage of Apple Park Is Gorgeous

As 1,000 journalists wait to gather Steve Jobs Theater for the iPhone 8's unveiling, some beautiful aerial footage of Apple Park.

The Apple Park (which is an astounding 1,522 feet in diameter) campus in Cupertino will host the company’s next keynote in less than a week. On Tuesday, September 12th, Tim Cook will dramatically unveil the new iPhone. This new Apple Campus is gorgeous, from a design standpoint, and truly seems like a place worth visiting if in the area. For those of us who are not, however, thankfully we have people like Duncan Sinfield to take us above the Park for some beautiful aerial drone photography.

According to AppleInsider, construction on the main structure (aptly referred to as ‘spaceship’) is nearly finished. There are desks visible in some of the windows and no construction equipment visible in the main areas. We can see people sitting on benches outside, having conversations over coffee. It’s almost as if this was slowly transforming into a completed, functional, university-like campus in front of our eyes. It’s unfortunate that Steve Jobs never got to see this thing completed. According to Fortune, his last public appearance was him requesting the city of Cupertino to commence work on the structure. 

However, Apple is about to unveil its new iPhone here, and the spaceship looks ready to lift off. Let’s have a look this thing from the heavens.

When news of this campus being built was first unveiled, it was difficult to imagine the final product actually manifesting into physical reality. Like a lot of conceptual design, it sparks the imagination on paper, and drives motivation – but often never comes into being. Perhaps that was the difference between Jobs and many others like him. The keynote next week, alongside this video of pristine drone footage, is a stark reminder that we can make a noticeable impact on people. Chime in below with your thoughts on this drone footage. Pretty impressive, right?