Trump Orders Review on Fuel-Efficiency Standards

American automakers, unsurprisingly, are happy about it.

During a visit to Detroit, Michigan on Wednesday, President Trump announced that he would order a review on the emissions regulations that the Obama administration had set in place prior to Trump’s taking office, Reuters reports. The announcement, in effect, is a boon to American automakers who, in recent weeks, have been not-so-quietly urging Trump to revisit these more stringent emissions regulations, arguing that they will cost jobs and impede industry growth.

Encouraging the crowd—comprised of CEOs from the Big Three, the United Auto Workers union president, and auto workers alike—Trump said he would “ensure that any regulations we have protect and defend your jobs, your factories.” The President added, “[The White House is] setting up a task force in every federal agency to identify and remove any regulation that undermines American auto production.”

Speaking in front of a banner that read “Buy American – Hire American,” Trump shifted part of the onus of helping grow the economy onto the automakers, saying, “We’re going to do some wonderful work with you, but you’re going to have to help us with jobs.”

Unsurprisingly, American automakers are pleased with today’s news. Mitch Bainwol, chief executive of the industry lobbying group Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, said, “The Trump administration has created an opportunity for decision-makers to reach a thoughtful and coordinated outcome predicated on the best and most current data.”