These Sheep Caused an Epic Supercar Traffic Jam in France

Lamborghinis and Ferraris, among others, found themselves locked in by the herd.

A series of supercar drivers driving through France last week found their rapid transcontinental progress come to a screeching halt—when they found themselves in a traffic jam caused by a massive herd of sheep. Man. Talk about your baaaaaaad traffic.

…I’ll see myself out.

The road clogged up by the ruminants was part of the route for Modball Rally Europe, a stage-based road trip much like the Gumball 3000 (actually, it seems like a pretty blatant rip-off, but that’s neither here nor there) that dates back to the year 2007. The crew of sports cars was en route from Monaco to London when they wound up waylaid by the farm animals in the town of Citadelle d’Entrevaux. Among the supercars caught up in the sheep-created traffic jam were a Ferrari F12berlinetta, a Lamborghini Aventador, a Martini-liveried Porsche Cayman GT4, and possible a Porsche 911, though we’re basing that last one less on visual evidence and more on the hashtags affixed to one of the images of the traffic jam posted to Instagram.

As you’d expect from a multinational automotive event laden with outlandishly-decorated supercars and their wealthy, media-savvy (and often media-hungry) owners, the rural roadblock was captured for posterity on social media—largely by one 24-year-old Brit named Thomas Michael Thornley Groves, who appears to own a Cayman GT4 and be a successful business owner in spite of being born around the same time Point Break came out.

(Caution: the Instagram video embedded below contains some not-safe-for-work language and mild obnoxiousness.)