If you have a passion for custom lifted trucks and earn a respectable salary yet don’t quite have the time or know-how to build one, there’s a place in East Texas that can hook you up. JCT Auto Sales of Longview, Texas is known as one of the top specialized truck dealers in the country and they’ve achieved such a status by providing their customers with a truly unique buying experience.

JCT originally began with just one vehicle and the business slowly grew from there. Their business model is pretty straightforward; buy used trucks, fix ‘em up with the best products available and post them on social media. The rest seems to take care of itself due to the quality of what’s for sale.

Sure, there are plenty of outfits that sell lifted trucks but typically their rigs are equipped with the cheapest possible lift kits, discontinued Fuel wheels and $99 LED light bars. At JCT, their trucks feature products such as Full Throttle Suspension systems, Specialty Forged Wheels and RECON lighting.

And all the products are installed by a reputable off-road shop, Cody’s Offroad. JCT passes along the savings to their customers. In most examples, it would be impossible to find a stock truck and upgrade it yourself for even remotely the same price.