Say what you want about exotic rallies and their owners (there’s plenty to say), but you cannot deny the jaw-dropping rides that these events attract. As much as we may knock rich guys for not actually driving their expensive vehicles, it’s refreshing to see them out in the wild. As Lambo-crazy as these treks have become, exotic off-road rigs have been slowly stealing a bit of the limelight.
The uber-exclusive, off-road rigs from Mercedes have infiltrated U.S. soil in full force and those with the cash to own them are not only customizing these radical rides but bringing them to rallies right next to the Bugattis.
For the ninth installment of the famed Goldrush Rally, participants pulled out all their favorite toys flaunting their trust funds and forcing everyone on the road to bask in their greatness. The usual suspects were on-hand bringing crazy-wrapped Aventadors, Veyrons and pretty much every high-end automobile you could imagine. But the vehicle that truly garnered the most attention was a Mercedes-AMG G63 6×6 from Luxury Auto Collection of Scottsdale, Arizona and customized by RDBLA.
As mentioned below, keeping up with the exotics on the highway had its disadvantages but certainly provided for plenty of gas station photo opportunities.
And even though the 6×6 was the belle of the ball, the handful of Mercedes-Benz G500 4×4 Squareds in attendance definitely held their own.
The G500 4×4 Squared is certainly a spectacle – even with just two axles. It’s difficult to truly appreciate the height and width of this gargantuan luxury vehicle without standing next to one.
And yes, these G-Wagens are just as capable off-road as they are on pavement thanks to portal axles borrowed from the 6×6 and an 18-inch ground clearance which destroys any factory off-road rig on the market.
Will these beefy G-Wagens set the tone for future events or will this be a one-time occurrence? We’re hoping for the former.