Friends, did you know the TSA was fun? That’s right, the same organization that ushers you through metal detectors and scans you in that weird radioactive-looking machine at the airport also has a yearly tradition of announcing the 10 best items it confiscated over the year prior. And now that 2025 is officially underway, the TSA is back with a video of 2024’s best catches.
To give you an idea of how whimsical the TSA is about its catches, the video starts out with cat memes and Mariah Carey before getting into the first catch of the list. Then again, if you follow the TSA on any of its social channels, this shouldn’t come as a surprise. Their humor is unparalleled. Each item listed here features the airport where it was caught and photos of the contraband. Oh, and there are puns. So. Many. Puns.
Coming in at number 10 is a jar of peanut butter stuffed with bags of weed. For some reason, that catch features a clip of Elmo, with an accompanying social media post that reads, “Not great, Elmo. Weed really appreciate it if people didn’t skippy over the rules on their sticky icky.” OK, aside from the criminal amount of puns, the peanut butter was Jiff, not Skippy.

Number eight is my favorite, since it came from my home state of New Jersey, at Newark airport. Someone stuffed a disassembled handgun in a combat boot, then stuffed it in a Lego box. But what really got me was the TSA calling the gun a “pew-pew.” Who’s this for?
Number three would get Samuel L. Jackson slinging F-bombs because someone tried bringing live snakes onto the plane. Live. Snakes. In their pants. Of all the places to hide live snakes, why against your legs? Of course, this happened in Florida. Miami, to be precise.
I’ll save the last two for you to watch on your own. It’s pretty funny (and scary) seeing how innovative these TSA violators thought they were being, only to fail anyway. While airport security can certainly be a headache—I’m glad that most of the hassle seems to be worth it, as I wouldn’t want to board a plane with any of these items onboard. So, for what it’s worth, Thank You.

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