New Zealander Gavin Shoebridge has had a long-standing interest in electric cars. In 2007, he converted a 1987 Mitsubishi Tredia to fully electric drive. After a short while driving the car, the economic recession hit Shoebridge. He soon had to sell the Tredia, and pack his bags for Slovakia.
Despite living halfway across the world, it seems the Kiwi do-it-yourself spirit has not left Shoebridge. Now the owner of a 2011 Peugeot iOn, he took it upon himself to fabricate and install a kitchen in his trunk. The process of which Shoebridge has documented on his site.

He first cut a frame for the kitchen out of wood, and added a vinyl laminate to create the countertop. The cabinets’ dimensions were measured to accommodate a butane gas burner, as well as a mini-fridge that can run off of the car’s 12-Volt power outlet.
Adding the kitchen sink was a more complicated matter. Shoebridge started by drilling a drain hole into an average, everyday steel bowl. The faucet, he fashioned using a spare windshield washer pump. With the flip of a switch the washer draws water from an integrated container into the bowl and drains into a wastewater tank down below.

Shoebridge says that this whole project was carried out in order to bring some of his home’s amenities with him during camping trips. He gives more details about how the kitchen operates through a video posted on his YouTube channel.

Whether or not they see the need to install a kitchen in their car, automotive enthusiasts should be able to appreciate the work that went into this build, and it will interesting to see what future projects Gavin may have in store.