Ford Offers “Ford is Family” Assistance Bundle to Aid Hurricane Irma Victims

The plan involves below invoice pricing and payments deferred until 2018.

Once again Ford is showing compassion for the victims of a natural disaster by offering support for Hurricane Harvey and Irma victims. As you already know, Hurricane Irma ripped through Florida causing significant damage to the entire state. Now Ford wants to lend a helping hand to get residents back on their feet.

According to Ford media releases, they will match any dealership or employee donation to the American Red Cross up to $150,000. However, this is just a fraction of what Ford is doing help Floridians. Enter the “Florida is Family” assistance bundle. This generous financial assistance package allows people who lost their vehicle to the hurricane to utilize a plan very similar to Ford’s X-Plan. This includes no-haggle, below invoice pricing and deferred payments until 2018. That’s right, not only is Ford shaving down the MSRP, they are also allowing potential new Ford owners to regain their footing before starting to pay off their vehicles.

In addition, Ford is allowing current owners still financing their vehicle to defer payments for two months while they figure out their current financial situation. Finally, to honor the first responders that have worked tirelessly to rescue victims and restore order, Ford is offering a $1,000 first responder incentive towards and Ford or Lincoln vehicle. Hats off to Ford for doing the right thing.