Infiniti SUV Laps Gas Station on Two Wheels

Equal parts idiotic and impressive.

Lapping a full-size Infiniti SUV around a gas station on two wheels is dangerous. And, yes, it’s stupid—really, really stupid. But, man, you’ve got to appreciate the skills (and cojones) required to balance a 6,000-pound SUV on two-wheels and then navigate a tight parking lot. The stunt was captured on CCTV at a gas station in the Al Aweer suburb of Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates. Naturally, the city’s Traffic Police director, Colonel Saif Muhair Al Mazroui, was not pleased.

“The vehicle was identified and the driver was brought to the police station and a criminal case was filed against him for endangering the lives of others,” Al Mazroui told The Daily Mail.

The vehicle used in the stunt, which looks like an Infiniti QX56, was impounded, and the driver’s father has since apologized for his son’s behavior. We apologize for being actually kinda cool with the whole thing.