Apple Just Registered Three Automotive Domain Names

More clues to the mythical Apple Car, a.k.a. “Project Titan”?

And so it begins. We’re barely a week into the New Year, and speculation about the Apple Car is already picking up momentum. That’s thanks to MacRumors, which discovered Apple has registered three new automotive-related domain names. The Mac and Apple fan forum picked up the info from Whois Lookup, a publically available registrar, where updated records show Apple now owns, as well as and, as of January 8, 2016. Hear that sound? It’s the fanboys panting.

Chill. None of the domain names are active yet, and Apple frequently registers various web addresses, patents and trademarks. (For context, is associated with over 13,000 domain names; Apple Inc. is associated with nearly 10,500.) It’s also worth pointing out that the website for Apple CarPlay, the company’s in-car telematics, currently resides as a subsection of the mothership. CarPlay is rolling out in some prime new models this year, and this could just simply be the infotainment suit emigrating onto its own domain. Or, you know, nothing at all. Because domain hoarding.

For other reading on the mythical Apple Car, allegedly codenamed “Project Titan,” check out: a New York Post story claiming Faraday Future is a front company, a Bloomberg interview where the iPod’s designer says Steve Jobs once mentioned cars seven years ago, or The Guardian’s report that Apple procured a naval base for top-secret, high-security, mega-classified testing on autonomous vehicles.

In the meantime, we’ll be awaiting more solid evidence of the existence of an iCar.