Hardcore Pagani Huayra BC Coming to Geneva

And everything else we know about Horatio’s next track-focused Italian monster.

The latest in Horatio Pagani’s long line of Italian exotica, the Pagani Huayra BC, will indeed be making its world debut at the Geneva Motor Show in March. That’s the word on high from Pagani’s aerodynamically-named spokesperson, Luca Venturi. So what do we know about this Pagani Huayra BC?

Well, not much for sure. Apart from Venturi’s word, the only info on the car comes from a shadowy, camouflage shot of the car Pagani posted to Facebook on New Year’s Eve, which confirmed that: 1.) It’ll be called the Huayra BC, and, 2.) It has a big-ass rear wing. It’s also worth mentioning that a spy video of what appeared to be the BC testing in Spain circulated last year; we can see a lethal-looking chin spoiler, but since it’s unofficial, we don’t know for sure.

More breadcrumbs. Speaking with Top Gear last year, Horatio Pagani said this hardcore Huayra won’t be an “R” version; since the Zonda R was a track-only special, we’d say the BC will almost certainly be street-legal. The man also said the forthcoming Huayra Roadster will be roughly 100 pounds lighter than the hardtop, and squeeze an extra 20 horses out of its AMG-built, 6-liter turbocharged V12. The hardcore model won’t be outgunned by the “common” roadster, so figure the BC will be packing at least 750 ponies and shave more than 100 pounds off the Huayra.

Of course, it’ll be rare, too. Pagani will build just 20 examples, and only for loyal customers. (Read: those that have already dropped $1.84 million on a Huayra.) Then again, limited runs are kinda Horatio’s thing. He only built 100 examples of the regular Huayra, and he never made more than 25 copies of any of the special-edition Zondas.  

It’s not a lot to go on but, hey, we don’t have to wait long. The Geneva Motor Show’s first media day is March 1.