A Dirty Dozen: Twelve Porsches On The Coastal Range Rally

In this drone photo are most of the 911s and 912s on #CRR2017


Last weekend we took a trek in our 912E down California’s best driving roads on the Driving While Awesome!

Coastal Range Rally. On day two, we noticed that there were quite a lot of 911s and 912s on the rally, and we wanted to get a family photo of sorts to commemorate the event. Some of these cars are faster than others, but at the end of the day we all share a passion for Porsche in our 900-series cars. There were a few additional 900-series cars on the rally, but they got separated, sadly, and missed the photo. To see more of the nearly 70 cars, mostly vintage, involved in the Coastal Range Rally, check out some of the Instagram links on this page.  

From left to right – 

1969 Porsche 911 – @JoshyRobots

1990 Porsche 964 Carrera 2 – Ruben

1968 Porsche 911 Race Car – @philgilsdorf

2004 Porsche 996 Carrera 4S – Varun

1997 Porsche 993 Carrera 2 – Ben

1967 Porsche 912 Soft Window Targa 6-conversion – @jutzsc

2000 Porsche 996 Carrera 2 Cabriolet – @theorganizedgarage

1976 Porsche 912E – @TurbohBrad (that’s me…)

1971 Porsche 911 – @tymilford 

1989 Porsche 911 Carrera 3.2 – @porschehobbyist

1971 Porsche 911T – @seanpgrimes

2015 Porsche 911 GT3 RS – @jbernbau

In case you hadn’t figured it out by now, all of these guys are real enthusiasts and frequently post cool photos of their cool cars. Check out the links if you don’t believe us.