Michigan State Police Pose as DOT Workers to Nab Leadfoot Drivers

If you see a construction worker with a radar gun, they might not be a construction worker.
Michigan State Police


Just like at your local Costco, it’s Halloween in August for the Michigan State Police (MSP). In order to enforce construction zone speed limits along a section of I-75, state troopers posed as Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) workers. You won’t believe what happened next!

Actually, you probably will because, of course, the cleverly disguised speed trap led to an increase in leadfoot captures. According to social media posts by local news outlet TCD News, within five hours, a “significant number of traffic stops” were made. The radar gun-wielding MDOT imposters would notify MSP colleagues positioned ahead at nearby highway ramps. The uniformed MSP would initiate the traffic stops based on the speed violation information received.

TCD Dearborn News via Facebook

The outlet did not elaborate on the exact number of stops made or what percentage of them actually led to a speeding ticket or other violation issued. TCD News did note, however, that the volume was “notable” because each stop takes about 20 to 30 minutes to complete. For reasons that should be obvious, the location of the pretend MDOTers was not revealed either. 

Per the MDOT website, most of the construction related to I-75 is occuring within or near the Greater Detroit Metropolitan area. Just slow down if you’re traveling around the thenar eminence region of the Mitten State, okay? For non-anatomy nerds, that’s the mound of muscle at the base of the thumb. You know, the part of your hand that hurts whenever you hold those automated car wash sprayers too long. (Or maybe that’s just me with the puny palms.)

It’s a good reminder to slow down in general, especially in construction zones. The lower speed limits are in place to ensure the safety of those crews, whose office is on an exposed roadway next to 50+ mph vehicular traffic. I mean, you don’t speed through school zones, do you?

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