You can’t go anywhere right now without being smacked in the face by some sort of storyline about next weekend’s Formula 1 race in Las Vegas. From Liberty Media CEO Greg Maffei going on every finance channel to talk about F1’s growth to celebrities endorsing VIP weekend packages and travel blogs screaming that hotel rates and race tickets are falling, Vegas F1 is ruling the airwaves. Everything is over the top, just like you’d expect from a billionaire boys club visiting Sin City—and that includes the curbs.
I know what you’re thinking: “The Vegas race sucks, it’s a total scam, and it’s a dilution of the sport.” As a result, you may not care about these clubs, spades, and diamonds on the red and white curbing, but I still think they are pretty neat. The Vegas race may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but hey, I don’t have any ill feelings toward it. I hope it turns out to be a great event for those on the ground, and an even better race on TV—where I will be watching it from.
Back to the curbs, it’s not often—or at all—that we see designs painted on this part of the track. Any motifs or sponsor logos are usually restricted to barriers, grass, paved run-off areas, or sometimes they’re just digital animations only TV viewers can see. Not these guys, these playing card symbols very much so appear to be painted on the curbs themselves.
Several images are floating around the internet, though this particular one was shared with us by racing driver Ryan Champion after posting it to his X account. Judging by the background, it looks like there’s still a lot of work left to finish assembling the grounds before the F1 circus arrives next week.
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