The unofficial mascot of Petersburg, Kentucky has begun to make waves across the U.S. after a would-be vandal attempted to topple a front-yard snowman in a mean-spirited act of bah-humbugness. Instead, thumpity-thump-thumped right into a massive tree stump that was the foundation of the snowman.
Over the weekend, Cody Lutz decided to build a giant snowman in his front yard. Joined by his fiancee and her sister, the trio worked together to assemble the snow-beast that would tower above the ground thanks to a rock-solid tree stump that served as its foundation. Eventually, the snowman grew to reach an incredible nine feet in height.
Lutz has given the snowman many names. Upon completion, it was christened “Hugh J. Snowman” but he ultimately settled on “Frosty Stumps” (which bears a familiar surname to yours truly). A large hat, cheerful smile, and welcoming arms made it the center of attention; eventually, it would also become the target of a vandal who would make a regrettable choice.
On Monday, Lutz resumed his daily routine and left Frosty intact as he went to work. When he returned home, Lutz found that a passerby must not have felt the same cheerful spirit when they caught sight of Frosty. Instead of simply admiring the trio’s hard work, the vandal decided to destroy the frozen figure by ramming it with their vehicle. Or, perhaps that’s what the driver expected to happen. Tire tracks dug through the snow in Lutz’s yard and abruptly stop at the snowman’s base, exposing bits of bark and bare stump that a vehicle had collided with.
That’s right, whoever decided to ram the snowman ended up ramming themselves into a rather hefty tree stump. Ouch.
“Instant Karma,” Lutz told local news. “It’s hilarious! You know, what goes around comes around, in good ways and bad ways. So, I guess everyone learns a valuable lesson here from Frosty.”