Honda May Join Forces with Waymo for Autonomous Research

The Japanese company is reportedly in talks with the new technology brand to further their driverless know-how.

Recent news hints that Honda may be parternering up with Waymo to develop autonomous cars for the future. This sheds even more light on the topic of driverless research, an especially hot topic that every automaker wants a piece of.

Surprisingly, Honda has been somewhat silent on the subject of driverless cars. It’s a bit strange that a company of their magnitude has seemingly put this technology on the backburner, but that may soon be coming to an end. This co-op would help out each party greatly. Honda needs more knowledge on the subject while Waymo simply needs more cars to test. By teaming up, they will each work towards developing better products to use in the real world.

Both companies can learn a lot from each other. Honda is consistently designing new technology for future cars including EVs and fuel cell vehicles. If Waymo can get their hands on these cars, they can make for a killer combo of efficiency and safety. After all, that is a large part of the fight towards autonomy. As for Waymo, they’ve already performed two million miles of driverless testing, perfecting their research over and over again. It could shape up to be quite the dynamic duo after all.

If they do end up collaborating, it would make for two manufacturer associates to the Google-derived company. Waymo is coming off of a fresh agreement with FCA, allowing them to utilize 100 Chrysler Pacifica Hybrids for experimentation. By supplying them with enough test subjects, these companies are gaining a great stake in the race towards a driverless future. Each day, someone comes out with a new innovation — this helps keep them at the forefront.

Check back for updates on the two’s partnerships. We’ll keep you up to speed as we find out more about this potentially pivotal news.