The 7 Best Drone Instagram Accounts

Aerial photography allows for some pretty creative vantage points and spectacular shots.

You may have seen our recent article on National Geographic’s best drone photos of the year (thus far), and if you have, you’ll know how useful these unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) can be for photographers. The opportunity to affordably place a camera with 4K video-recording or high megapixel capabilities in any corner of the sky is one hard to pass up on for professional photographers. Naturally, even amateurs who are more drone pilots than artists have gotten into the field, as both flying UAVs and accumulating Instagram likes are getting more and more popular. Hence, we thought it would be helpful to compile the 7 best drone Instagram accounts for you, based on several different factors. 

Firstly, creative composition. If you’re going to take aerial photographs, they better be interestingly composed. Enthralling nature shots are another must. There should also be an account or two comprised of video footage of satisfying tracking shots – there’s a 4K camera on these things for a reason. The ability to vicariously travel the world – I’d like to be transported around the planet when I scroll through dozens of bird’s-eye view images. This list is meant to cohesively compile a variety of genres, with each account representing a different niche of drone photography. Without further ado, here are the 7 best drone Instagram accounts. Enjoy!


This account has 189k followers and does a very good job of mixing up its content. Each photograph does its best to differentiate itself from the previous one, and that’s appreciated. 

@DroneOfTheDay via @VeeCeeCheng

2. @airpixels:

With 168k followers, AirPixels is clearly popular. The reason is pretty clear – these drone shots capture some truly stunning nature photography from across the world, allowing you to pretend for a few seconds that you, too, are taking a refreshing breather in these environments.


3. @skynamicdrone:

This German/Spain-based company uses a drone with various lighting rigs and close-range capabilities in order to produce some pretty compelling marketing material for various companies like Porsche. Some of these tracking shots are incredibly cinematic, and admirable enough to scroll through while you’re waiting on the bus. Take a look at the SkynamicDrone below.


4. @droneshooting:

This account does a good job of presenting aerial footage of the organized structures of our cities and contrasting them with the randomness of nature environments. The account’s tagline is “Discover the world from the sky” – an apt description of an account deserving some attention.


5. @stianmklo:

Stian Klo is a photographer for Lonely Planet and Norge (a Norwegian magazine with an account worthy of attention itself) who captures the iciness and vastness of the Norwegian wilderness with an incredible eye. Take a look at this photograph and try not to be impressed.

Stian Klo @stianmklo

6. @clearskieshi:

If you live in a fast-paced metropolis such as New York City, it feels good to get some green in your life – however you can. This account is transportative, making you hear the jungle noises and feel the dampness of the mountain mist. Check out this account if you want to feel like you’re flying through the Amazon. Here’s a little taste!

Austin Butler @clearskieshi

7. @saltywings:

The variety and beauty of colors across this planet is vast and rich, and @saltywings provides you with some of the most refreshing, naturally neon-colored spots around. It’s almost like you could take a bath in these images, and vicariously jump into the beautiful oceans depicted in them. 


Well, that’s all for now, folks! We hope you found a few new accounts to follow. Surely, there’s something here for everybody. From colorful, luscious nature shots to icy Scandinavian wilderness photos to an exploration of what our societies look like from above, this list hopefully provides for a variety of creatively captured drone footage to choose from. Enjoy!